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Monday, March 22, 2010

All about Ella

So, I've been letting Ella cry it out (CIO) for naps lately...

Some people find this to be cruel.  I can see why.  I wasn't sure if it was something I could/would do.  I wasn't sure it was something I even wanted to try.  Then bedtimes became unbearable.  It could take hours to get her to go to sleep.  She was mad...I was exhausted...  It wasn't pretty.  She started "sleeping through the night" at 10 weeks.  To me, that meant I got more than 5 hours of solid sleep.  Then, the trouble started at around 8 months.  She just wouldn't go down.  I'd end up holding her while I watched t.v. until she finally fell sound asleep.  I wanted more than anything to be able to lay her down (drowsy, but not asleep) and have her drift off into sleepy land.  At 10 months, I finally bit the bullet and decided we'd try the CIO method.  It took three nights.  That's all.  The first night: 45 minutes of crying.  Night 2: 20 minutes.  Night 3: 5 minutes.  Night 4: nothing.  We've been pretty good since then.  Other than a few instances of getting thrown off...

Naps have been another story.  She rarely has napped longer than 30-45 minutes.  I did post a while back during a TWO HOUR NAP.  It was crazy - and hasn't happened again.  So, last week I decided to let her CIO.  So far, she's still only taken 30 minute naps.  Today, she's been quiet for 15 minutes.  I decided to post quickly just in case the jig was up at 4:30.  And yes, I already am aware that some children just don't need those long, solid naps.  I just still hopeful that Ella isn't one of those.

Other than this one hiccup, she is amazingly cool.  She has figured out just what that baseboard heater is for:

Amazingly, it hasn't fallen off the wall (yet).

We have made some good friends (who I've posted about before).  For my birthday, Jeff gave me my one requested gift...a family membership to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.  We've been twice (and will get there again one day this week).  Last week, we went with a few other mom's including my friend, Amy, and her son, Jackson.  Jackson and Ella take good pictures together.  Here, I believe they are conspiring to be chefs one day:

And just because I think she is so cute, I had to include an upclose shot of my pretty-in-pink princess.  Just don't fail to notice the grass/mud stains on the jeans.  They won't come completely clean, so these are now play jeans.  She may be a princess, but she can totally keep up with the boys.  (That's MY girl)  The adorable bass guitar shirt was purchased by my dad (Pop) since Jeff plays the bass.  So cute:

I will admit that I CAN remember what life was like pre-Ella.  It was a good life.  Going out for dinner and to concerts whenever we felt like it.  Never needing a babysitter (except for overnight things - and then it was a petsitter).  I remember going out with friends for the entire day.  Deciding to go out to dinner on the spur of the moment and grabbing nothing but keys and money.

Ella was a huge surprise.  A historic surprise.  It altered the entire universe for me. 
SHE altered the entire universe for me. 

NOW?  I'd alter the entire universe for her. 

I have big hopes and dreams for her.  Will she fulfill them?  Maybe...

All I know is that she is amazingly cool and that parenthood is definitely the best experience.  Parenting with Jeff is fun.  He is a really, really cool dad and I love to watch them together.

Will we go for #2?  Who knows....maybe...someday...

For now, we're just ALL ABOUT ELLA.


grete said...

Isaiah goes to sleep at night much better than he goes down for naps, too. At least unless we put him in a rocking swing with sound effects, which we figure isn't a great habit to get into. Like, for instance, for when we travel to TN next week. :)

And I liked the last part of your post.

Evelyn Louise said...

Thanks, Grete. We've used Ella's swings as a crutch until about a month ago when I promised myself we would not hit 18 months still using the thing. It is older and has a high weight limit so I took advantage of that.

Today she went down without crying and slept for 2 hours and 20 minutes. I thought the world might be ending!

Isaiah is SO CUTE!!!