Hello Friends...Sorry I've been a bit absent for FOUR MONTHS!!! A lot has gone on since that last post in September. I'm taking inspiration from Kristen and I'm going to blog more.
Let's see...where to start...
How about a New Year's Resolution? That I'll post at least once a week. Feel free to email or text me if I haven't posted and it is Friday. Maybe I'll need the reminder.
Since that last post, Ella and I have been meeting up with Amy (Jackson) and Whitney (Becca) along with another mom, Bridget (Nate), at least once a week - except for Christmas/New Years. Including Nate, all the kids are within 6 weeks of each other so it makes for good conversation and it helps to have all that encouraging feed back. Ella can almost say "Jackson" now.
---insert 30 minute break for screaming toddler up from a 30 minute nap---
So, what was I talking about? Oh yes - our playgroup. We all met through Richmond Mommies (RM) and it is a great group! I highly recommend RM for all new moms who are the first mom in their group of friends or when you find that your friendships change after you have a kid. You'll find a group of mommy-friends who understand all you're going through.
Okay, moving on...A LOT has happened since September. If you aren't on Facebook, join and friend me so that you can keep up with us and see what you've missed. I update their Monday-Friday and occasionally on the weekends.
First of all - Ella has a cousin!!! Jerry & Kristen welcomed J.J. (Jerry Alvin Stone, IV) on September 30. Ella likes to look at her baby cousin and I'm sure she'll like him more once he can move about on his own. Hopefully she'll be better at sharing by then, too.
Halloween was so different this year. We didn't go anywhere because we like to give out candy to the few kids that are trick-or-treating age in our neighborhood. Ella was dressed up as Cinderella - a costume her Uncle Warren bought for her.

Less than a week after Halloween (11/06), Ella turned ONE! We had a big party for her at the church - there were so many people we couldn't have it at our house. Mostly it was family, but we did invite a few friends including Alastair Amos & her new friend, Jackson. She had a great time at the party and was in a great mood the whole time. What more could a mom ask for?
Thanksgiving took us to Nags Head to spend a couple days with my mom's family. And next came Christmas. Christmas this year was a lot of fun. First, we got our tree up and put ornaments on it. Ella loved looking at the tree (and still does since it hasn't come down yet). She also enjoyed the present aspect a bit more this year. She still doesn't understand the whole unwrapping thing, but had a lot of fun playing with her new stuff as it was revealed.
She also enjoyed the time with her Uncle Warren & Aunt Rachel!!!
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